With a healthy surge of attendee registration and convention merchandise, Anime Central successfully set a new attendance record for itself for 1999.  We at LLNN hope that the Year 2000 goes just as well if not better.

Registration and Merchandising

Registration lines this year kept moving at a steady pace as events unfolded.  Pre-registration had virtually no line, while at-con registration topped at 50 people for a very short time from friday through saturday.   For the final number of attendees at Anime Central 99, please consult the convention's website at www.acen.org otherwise, the count appeared to be just above 2000.
Anime Central 99's premiere t-shirt Anime Central 99's "Got Soap?" t-shirt Anime Central 98's stylish yet useful designer bag to hold all your favorite anime goodies in.
The Program Book and badge for this year.

[Main Page] [Artists' Alley] [Events and Attractions] [Exhibit Hall 1] [Exhibit Hall 2] [Gaming] [Guest Coverage] [Hotel] [Masquerade Gallery 1] [Masquerade Gallery 2] [Masquerade Gallery 3] [Masquerade Gallery 4] [Masquerade Gallery 5] [Masquerade Gallery 6] [Masquerade Gallery 7] [Masquerade Gallery 8] [Masquerade Gallery 9] [Panels 1] [Panels 2] [Registration and Merchandising] [Video Programming and Miscellaneous Sights]