Masquerade Night: There's no business like show business!  Sponsored by ADV Films and Suncoast, Anime Expo New York held a "Broadway Stars" themed night with 53 entries including walk-ons and stage presentations including characters from the following anime shows and video games: Chibi Triguns, Card Captor Sakura, Hand Maid May, DragonBall Z, Escaflowne, Evangelion, Final Fantasy VIII, Pokemon's Team Rocket, Sailor Moon, Vampire Savior, Digi Charat, Tenchi Muyou!, Lunar the Silver Star Story, Yamui ni Matsui, Ranma 1/2, Ah! My Goddess, Chobits, Nadia, Final Fantasy Unlimited, Record of Lodoss Wars, Fruits Basket, Cowboy Bebop, Megatokyo, Doraemon, Clover, Final Fantasy X, Read or Die, RG Veda, Fatal Fury, Final Fantasy VII, Jenova, Noir, Final Fantasy 9, Fushigi Yugi, and Rurouni Kenshin.  Judges for the evening were Darryl Hwang, Jesse Dawson, Laura Feeney, and emcee was longtime AX supporter Widya Santoso.

Anime Expo New York
Main Events 1

Memorable highlights of the show included Chibi versions of characters from Trigun, lovely goddesses chasing each other in a stage ballet in "When Card Captor's Away, Clow Cards at Play", a married Sailor Moon Serenity beats up Tuxedo Mask with a big rose to remind him of whom he serves, Evangelion character Asuka admits to killing Penpen to Misato and dreaming of becoming a Lumberjack! in "Crispy Penguin", a hot Card Captor Sakura acrobatic stage dance number, characters from Chobits, Ranma 1/2, Nadia, and A!MG battle out on stage video game style, Chii and her mistress return from shopping for anime stuff and ... bras?!  "Boing Boing! Boing!", Cowboy Bebop characters Faye and Julia catfight for their men! in "Cats on Mars", Jenova dances to a silly dance tune, only to be thwarted by her doctor... but not without silly revenge in "Jenova's Puppets", with big flowers and a whole lotta genkiness, characters from Digi Charat sing and dance for audience jollies, Final Fantasy characters Aeris and Tifa fight over Cloud Strife, bishounen Sephiroth makes off with Cloud, and Aeris and Tifa go lesbian!  Scandalous things in "Final Fantasy Cat Fight!" and a lovely Chii from Chobits performed a sweet Latin ballad with the audience clapping in full appraisal!  A simply stunning night!

Anime Expo New York Masquerade Awards
Best of Show Group Presentation: #4: When The Card Captor's Away, the Clow Cards At Play! by Natalie Baan, Shanti Fader, Kristin Huntsman, Sionna Klassen, and Mandi Paugh
Best of Show Group Craftsmanship: #4: When The Card Captor's Away, the Clow Cards At Play!
Best of Show Individual Craftsmanship: #37: Jenova's Puppets by Layla Celkupa
Best of Show Youth: #1: The Chibi Trigunners by Alex, Wiley, Dustin, Daniel, Eddie, and Dakota
Judge Darryl Hwang's Presentation Award: #15: Crispy Penguin by Trella Rath and Beth Dietzel
Judge Jesse Dawson's Presentation Award: #18: Card Captor Sakura by Elle Tino
Judge Laura Feeney's Presentation Award: #25: Cats on Mars by Peter Kirn, Anne Kirn, Sara, and Fash
Judge Darryl Hwang's Craftsmanship Award: #38: Noir by Peggy
Judge Jesse Dawson's Craftsmanship Award: #49: Representing F5, Cloud Strife by Kamui
Judge Laura Feeney's Craftsmanship Award: #11: Vampire Savior by Jenny
Honorable Mention for Presentation: #51 Final Fantasy Cat Fight! by Adella, Kitty, and Shaun
Honorable Mention for Presentation: #53: Chobits by Reema
Honorable Mention for Group Craftsmanship: #40: Yuna and Lulu by Na and Christiana Jen
Honorable Mention for Individual Craftsmanship: #3 Hand Maid May by Karen

For a peek at some of those amazing winners and participants, please visit the Post-Masquerade Cosplay Galleries!

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