Linus Lam
Network News
super mini-con
coverage report of
J-Con 2002!
Welcome to this special edition of Linus
Lam Network News for 2002! This news report covers our trip to J-Con 2002 in Los Angeles, California for a
wild January cosplayer party-filled day of birthday festivities and
over January 12th, 2002. Packing in numerous friends from all sorts of cosplayer groups,
this mini-con focused on signifying the start of a grand new year and setting the stage for
making new friends within the cosplay community. Our exciting trip to J-Con 2002 starts
here! Coverage you can count on, here at Linus Lam Network News! |
Proceed to the navigation menu just below and let's start the trip coverage! |
[Main Menu] [Guests Dinner] [Video Gaming Fun!] [Karaoke Night Gallery 1] [Karaoke Night Gallery 2]
[Birthday Celebration!] [Cosplay Gallery 1] [Cosplay Gallery 2] [Cosplay Gallery 3]
[Guests Gallery 1] [Guests Gallery 2] [Guests Gallery 3] [Guests Gallery 4]
[Alien Sightings] [J-Con Staff]
Be sure to visit the next J-Con!