This page is dedicated to the hard-working staff of J-Con (Chairwoman Nessa and Co-chair Wayne) who prepared and ran all the scheduling and traveling logistics for a multiple site mini-con.  From start to finish, they set up all the reservations for the dinner, karaoke, shopping in between, and always kept on top of the invited Guests with room to spare.  Here's to the start of a brand new year of wild cosplay excitement!

J-Con 2002
J-Con Staff

[Main Menu] [Guests Dinner] [Video Gaming Fun!] [Karaoke Night Gallery 1] [Karaoke Night Gallery 2]
[Birthday Celebration!] [Cosplay Gallery 1] [Cosplay Gallery 2] [Cosplay Gallery 3]
[Guests Gallery 1] [Guests Gallery 2] [Guests Gallery 3] [Guests Gallery 4]
[Alien Sightings] [J-Con Staff]