LLNN's trip to Anime Expo New York saw lots of cosplayers enjoying themselves for the first time in cosplay or first at a con ever!  Kudos to all who came and LLNN managed to capture shots of an amazing load of cosplayers from Chobits to Final Fantasy, Card Captor Sakura to Sailor Moon, and Trigun to Evangelion.  Great job!

Anime Expo New York
Gallery 31

[Cosplay 31] [Cosplay 32] [Cosplay 33] [Cosplay 34] [Cosplay 35]

[Cosplay Galleries 1-10] [Cosplay Galleries 11-20] [Cosplay Galleries 21-30]
[Cosplay Galleries 31-35] [Post-Masquerade Cosplay Galleries 1-5]

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