LLNN's trip to OhayoCon 2004 enjoyed all the glorious sights of costumes inspired by current anime and manga trends.  This weekend's fabulous characters come from Naruto, Final Fantasy, Digi Charat, various anime video games, and many more!  Please enjoy this year's cosplay galleries and applaud all the costumers who came to strut their stuff and show their anime spirit!

OhayoCon 2004
Gallery 11

[Cosplay 11] [Cosplay 12] [Cosplay 13] [Cosplay 14] [Cosplay 15]
[Cosplay 16] [Cosplay 17] [Cosplay 18] [Cosplay 19] [Cosplay 20]

[Cosplay Galleries 1-10] [Cosplay Galleries 11-20] [Cosplay Galleries 21-30]
[Cosplay Galleries 31-40] [Cosplay Galleries 41-50] [Cosplay Galleries 51-55]
[Cosplay Groups Galleries 56-63] [Cosplay Post-Contest Galleries]

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