LLNN's trip to Ohayo-con 2006 saw lots of inspired costumes from numerous anime and manga characters and more!  Chart-topping displays for this year included characters from Dead or Alive, Final Fantasy, Bleach, Naruto, Hellsing, Ah! My Goddess, and much more!  Please enjoy this year's Ohayo-con 2006 cosplay galleries and applaud all the cosplayers who came to strut their stuff and show their cosplay spirit!

Ohayo-con 2006
Gallery 37

[Cosplay 31] [Cosplay 32] [Cosplay 33] [Cosplay 34] [Cosplay 35]
[Cosplay 36] [Cosplay 37] [Cosplay 38] [Cosplay 39] [Cosplay 40]

[Cosplay Galleries 1-10] [Cosplay Galleries 11-20] [Cosplay Galleries 21-30]
[Cosplay Galleries 31-40] [Cosplay Galleries 41-50] [Cosplay Galleries 51-60]
[Cosplay Galleries 61-70] [Cosplay Galleries 71-82
[Cosplay Groups Galleries 83-96]

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