LLNN's trip to FanimeCon 2005 saw lots of inspired costumes from numerous anime, manga, video games, and more!  Chart-topping displays for this year included characters from Bleach, Naruto, Final Fantasy, Prince of Tennis, One Piece, Full Metal Alchemist, and much more!  Please enjoy this year's FanimeCon 2005 cosplay galleries and applaud all the cosplayers who came to strut their stuff and show their cosplay spirit!

FanimeCon 2005
Gallery 62

[Cosplay 61] [Cosplay 62] [Cosplay 63] [Cosplay 64] [Cosplay 65]
Cosplay 66] [Cosplay 67] [Cosplay 68] [Cosplay 69] [Cosplay 70]

[Cosplay Galleries 1-10] [Cosplay Galleries 11-20] [Cosplay Galleries 21-30]
Cosplay Galleries 31-40] [Cosplay Galleries 41-50] [Cosplay Galleries 51-60]
Cosplay Galleries 61-70] [Cosplay Galleries 71-80] [Cosplay Galleries 81-90]
Cosplay Galleries 91-102] [Cosplay Groups Galleries 103-110] [Cosplay Groups Galleries 111-120]
Post-Masquerade Cosplay Galleries 121-123] [Cosplay Fun Galleries 1-2]

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