LLNN's trip to the Cosplay.com Spring Break 2003 saw an outstanding load of inspired costumes from numerous anime, manga, video games, and J-pop/rock.  Far from the typical picnic gathering, fans gathered together to celebrate their hobby, get some pictures taken, and relax with friends and a well-needed sunshine respite from the regular weekly duty schedule of school and work.  This weekend's characters come from Witch Hunter Robin, Cowboy Bebop, Final Fantasy, Inuyasha, and many more!  Please enjoy this year's Cosplay.com California Edition cosplay galleries and applaud all the cosplayers who came to strut their stuff and show their "wesside!!!" cosplay spirit!

Cosplay.Com 2003
California Edition

Gallery 19

[Cosplay 17] [Cosplay 18] [Cosplay 19] [Cosplay 20]

[Cosplay Galleries 1-4] [Cosplay Galleries 5-8] [Cosplay Galleries 9-12]
[Cosplay Galleries 13-16] [Cosplay Galleries 17-20] [Cosplay Galleries 21-24]

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