LLNN's trip to Comiket 64 saw lots of costumes from numerous manga, movies, anime, and inspired creations.  This weekend's fabulous characters come from Final Fantasy X-2, Chobits, special shows not yet seen in America, and many more!  Please enjoy this year's cosplay galleries and applaud all the cosplayers who came to strut their stuff and show their Comic Market spirit!

Comiket 64
Gallery 101

[Cosplay 101] [Cosplay 102] [Cosplay 103] [Cosplay 104] [Cosplay 105]
[Cosplay 106] [Cosplay 107] [Cosplay 108] [Cosplay 109] [Cosplay 110] [Cosplay 111

[Cosplay Galleries 1-10] [Cosplay Galleries 11-20] [Cosplay Galleries 21-30] [Cosplay Galleries 31-40]
[Cosplay Galleries 41-50] [Cosplay Galleries 51-60] [Cosplay Galleries 61-70] [Cosplay Galleries 71-80]
[Cosplay Galleries 81-90] [Cosplay Galleries 91-100] [Cosplay Galleries 101-111]

[Cosplay Groups Galleries 112-120] [Cosplay Groups Galleries 121-131] [Cosplay Fun! Gallery]

[Main Menu]