The Masquerade took up so much time with so many stunning skits, time flew fast and before anyone knew it, it was close to theater closing time. Craftsmanship awards were not given that night due to the extended time needed by the precise craftsmanship judging process, but the main crowd-pleasing awards were indeed given. Following are the shots and information involving the Industry Sponsor and Presentation Awards.

Anime Expo 2001
Masquerade Costume Awards

 Winners! Central Park Media Industry Award:
 Witches Five Deathbusters from Sailor Moon
 Winners! Third Place Presentation 
and Urban Vision Award "Best Goth Costume":
NorCali Cosplay and Ah! My Cosplay's 
"How to Defeat a Bishoujo"
 Winners! Second Place Presentation 
and Diamond Distribution "Best Final Fantasy":
Acme Boys Cosplay's "I Don't Wanna Be Your Canary" from Final Fantasy 9
 Winners! First Place Presentation:  
Team URAN 3

AX2001 Masquerade Industry Awards
Bandai Entertainment: Clover #2
TokyoPop: Clover
Urban Vision "Best Goth Costume": NorCali Cosplay and Ah! My Cosplay's "How to Defeat a Bishoujo"
Kinokuniya: Fushigi Yugi Part 2
Central Park Media: Witches Five Deathbusters from Sailor Moon
Media Blasters "Best Rayearth": Ultimate Magic Knights
Diamond Distribution Best "Best Final Fantasy": Acme Boys Cosplay's "I Don't Wanna Be Your Canary" from Final Fantasy 9
Animaxis: Basara and Rocket from Macross 7
Anime Pavilion: Fushigi Yugi and Fushigi Yugi Part 2

Best Youth Costume Award: Card Captor Sakura

AX2001 Masquerade Presentation Awards
Third Place Presentation: NorCali Cosplay and Ah! My Cosplay's "How to Defeat a Bishoujo"
Second Place Presentation: Acme Boys Cosplay's "I Don't Wanna Be Your Canary" from Final Fantasy 9
First Place Presentation: Team URAN 3
Best of Show Presentation: Moulin Rouge and Miyuki-chan in Wonderland

 Winners! Best of Show Presentation:  
Moulin Rouge and Miyuki-chan in Wonderland

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