As with any convention, the vast mixes of culture that make up the attendance can have a dramatic effect on the personality of the convention itself.  Well, we can confirm that this year was absolutely CRAZY.  Shown below is LLNN's surreal trip through the AX cosmos.

Anime Expo 2001
Alien Sightings Part 1

 "Hey baby!  I'm on FIRE!" Irvinator (left) and Sephie (right) of PhoeniX SeeD cosplay group get their groove on before they head out to a cosplay prom night.
 Scandalous ClutzGurl of PhoeniX SeeD gets total whackage points for showing her mad Para Para Paradise Arabian Nights skillz.
 "CRAAAAZZZYYYY!!!"  Dana of Sugoi-con couldn't contain his cerebral hemorrhaging as the cosplay excitement brewed all around him.  The colors!  The colors!
 Moogle invasion!  Someone should've called the President to tell him aliens have taken over the Hyatt!
 And of course, what's a costume convention without Darth Vader and his merry band of Stormtroopers to assimilate the mass of Moogles?
 "Oh look!  We caught a Moogle!  We should interview it!"  Well, that's what these brave Japanese fan reporters did.  Can you see their genuinely startled expressions?  And you thought this was going to be a boring report.
 Sunday morning.  Pack the bags.  Complimentary coffee.  Breakfast roll.  And the mass exodus begins.  You have to wonder about the hotel porters.

 Standard disclaimer.

[Alien Sightings 1]  [Alien Sightings 2]

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